Selling Miwus 27 ..HQ Lvl 21 base Buildings & farms lvl 21...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jay Stephens, 6/16/16.

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  1. Jay Stephens

    Jay Stephens
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    Miwus 27 ..HQ Lvl 21 base Buildings & farms lvl 21 12 Hospitals at lvl 21 Commander Lvl 50 Advanced Combat T1 Advanced Traps T3 Manufacturing core mastery Lvl 4 Economics All LVl 10 (gold gathering lvl 6) Combat at lvl 9 (ready to open T4) Traps T3 trap attack & defence lvl 9 Commander research at rebel Lvl 4 almost lvl 5 Trap attack & defence at lvl 8 T1-300k T2-390k T3-1.4 mill Advanced troops T1-150k Total troops- 2.2 million Troop power-40 mill Trap power-484k Building power-6.7 mill Missions power-6.7 mill Research power-21 mill Commander power-5.2 mill Total power 80 million VIP prestige- lvl 8 .. plus a lvl 18 trap base with 1m troops $700 Ono If interested pls contact me
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