Sold MineCraft Server Trailers // Smooth Looking Trailers. // PvP Montages

Discussion in 'Minecraft OG Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by KaZz_PvP, 3/16/17.

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  1. KaZz_PvP

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    Hello, I am KaZz_PvP. I am a divine editor from California.
    I make PvP Montages.
    I make Trailers.
    Only for 15$!

    How it works
    1. You Pay the money on my playerup shop. (Look up on playerup KaZz_PvP or Server Trailer.)
    2. I get out my editing software.
    3. Ill get it ready.
    4. You send me the server IP to pvp on/get clips for the trailers.
    5. I must have Spectator Mode/OP/Gmc for this to work. (It only works with that In my camera studio)
    6. You can pick, shaders or...

    MineCraft Server Trailers // Smooth Looking Trailers. // PvP Montages
    #1 KaZz_PvP, 3/16/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/4/18
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