Selling Minecraft Account Code

Discussion in 'Minecraft Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mage, 2/7/17.

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  1. Mage

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    Hello! I am new on this forum so pardon me if I am not providing sufficient information. I have a Minecraft Account Code that I bought for 20 euro's but I never used it. I still have the receipt and I am willing to send all the info on the receipt to you as well. I would like to sell it for stuff on Steam. I have already scratched off the code so that's why I'm selling it on here.
    With stuff on Steam I mean games on my wishlist, Goat Simulator DLC's, CSGO skins, Steam Wallet codes and / or CS:GO crate keys (preferably Operation Phoenix or Glove Case).
    You can add me on Steam if you're interested so we can discuss the trade. My Steam name is 'Marjolein26juli' from The Netherlands. Please provide me a detailed message with whatever you're willing to give in return. It may take some time for me to respond, might be because I'm either asleep or having lunch / dinner.
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