Selling Miller - 4 Characters - 2 TR, 1 VS, 1 NC - Lots of bought stuff

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vulpecula, 10/15/17.

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  1. Vulpecula

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    NS (All factions)

    BOUGHT Weapons, Armour, Cosmetics (Everything bought with DBC)

    Weapon: Renegade
    Weapon: Kobalt
    Cosmetic: Antenna Ball - TR only
    Cosmetic: Flash Twin Tyre Tirespikes (Not actually spikey)
    Cosmetic: Lumifiber Trim - TR only
    Cosmetic: Wolfhound Bumper Exterior - TR only
    Cosmetic: Flaming Red Skull Ornament - TR only

    Weapon: Skyguard​

    Prowler: - TR only
    Weapon: P2-120 AP (With 2x Zoom - Purchased with DBC)
    Weapon: Halberd
    Weapon: Walker
    Cosmetic: Berserker Armor
    Cosmetic: Flaming Red Skull Ornament

    Mosquito: - TR only

    Weapon: Hellfire Rocket Pods

    Sythe: - VS only
    Weapon: Light PPA
    Weapon: Dual Photon Rocket Pods

    Reaver: - NC only
    Weapon: Tomcat A2A Missiles (Lock-Ons)
    Cosmetic: Dragonfly Wings (Exterior)
    Cosmetic: Peragrine Cockpit (Glass)

    Weapon: Hellion (With Threat Detection Optics, 1.25x Zoom)
    Weapon: VLG Missile Launcher
    Weapon: CAS
    Cosmetic: Red Lumifiber (Digital Trim) - TR only
    Cosmetic: NS-A Horn
    Cosmetic: Tiger Fins Exterior
    Cosmetic: Gold Cockpit Glass​

    Weapon: Tank Buster
    Weapon: Dalton
    Weapon: Walker
    Cosmetic: Gold Cockpit Glass
    Cosmetic: White Lumifiber Trim - VS only
    Cosmetic: Cepheus Carapace (Exterior) - VS only
    Cosmetic: Cepheus Cockpit (Glass) - VS only

    Weapon: Basilisk
    Cosmetic: Mr. Dumper Exterior (Other)
    Cosmetic: Solar Panels (Other)
    Cosmetic: A51 Luminous Deflectors (Wheels)
    Cosmetic: White Pulse Chassis Lights
    Cosmetic: Mr. Digger Cabin (Exterior)​

    Foot Soldier Weapons, Armours, Cosmetics

    For all Classes:
    Armour: Dreadnought Helmet - TR only
    Armour: Phantasm Helmet - TR only

    Armour: Salvaged Platinum Compound Helmet
    Armour: Vulpecula Helmet - VS only
    Armour: Composite Armour - TR only
    Weapon: NS-11C
    Weapon: Armistice - TR only
    Weapon: NS-7-PDW
    Weapon: AMR-66 - TR only
    Weapon: NS-44 Commissioner
    Weapon: Hunter QCX Crossbow
    Weapon: NS Patriot Flare Gun
    Weapon: Triumph Flare Gun - TR only

    Weapon: Vandal
    Weapon: RAMS .50M - TR only
    Weapon: Tsar-42 - TR only
    Armour: Pathfinder - VS only

    Light Assault:
    Weapon: NSX-P-Tanto
    Weapon: Lynx - TR only
    Weapon: Uppercut - TR only

    Weapon: Rocket Rifle Locklets - NC only

    Weapon: NS-7-PDW
    Weapon: AMR-66 - TR only
    Weapon: Armistice - TR only

    Weapon: NSX-P-Tanto
    Weapon: Lynx - TR only
    Weapon: Uppercut - TR only

    Ability: Anti-Vehicle Mana Turret
    Ability: Spitfire Auto-Turret
    Cosmetic: Havoc Engineer Armour - TR only
    Cosmetic: Red Impact Armour Decal - TR only

    Heavy Assault:
    Weapon: NS-15M2
    Weapon: NS-Annihilator Rocket Launcher (Lock-On)
    Cosmetic: Havoc Heavy Assault Armour - TR only

    Weapon: M2 Mutilator (Both) - TR only
    Weapon: NS-10 Burster (Both)
    Weapon: M3 Pounder HEG (Both) - TR only
    Weapon: MR1 Fracture (Both) - TR only
    Cosmetic: Mk. 4 Brute MAX Helmet - TR only
    Cosmetic: Red Impact Armour Decal - TR only

    Camos (Vehicle + Weapon + Soldier):
    Avalanche Camo - All
    Amerish Scrub - All
    Suave - TR
    Electro - TR
    Snakeskin - TR

    Tiger Stripe - VS

    Voice Packs:
    Stalwart Voice Pack - TR
    Roughneck Voice Pack - VS

    Profile Banners:
    Terran Republic Banner


    NC: BR 12 - Reaver Main - 387 Certs - No bought implants
    TR: BR 24 - Builder Main - 616 Certs - No bought implants
    VS: BR 58 - 393 Certs - No bought implants
    TR: BR 53 - 94 Certs - £15 worth of Implants - List:
    Ammo Printer 4
    Catlike 3
    Sweeper HUD 3
    Safe Fall 2
    Regeneration 2
    Assimilate 2
    Safeguard 1
    Target Focus 1
    Sensor Shield 1
    Vampire 1
    Battle Hardened 1
    Ocular Shield 1
    639 ISO Points

    Note: If you delete a character with implants on, the implants are also deleted.
    It might appeal to you to delete the current characters and start over, there's plenty of bought weapons
    for you to use on a new character so you are not stuck with default weapons.

    === [ BOUGHT WITH CERTS LIST ] ===

    ... This list would be way too big to write down and so I will only talk about this privately if you decide
    to contact me.

    === [ DIRECTIVES ] ===

    There is only 1 Auraxium directive completed out of all 4 of the accounts, which is the Orion LMG for VS.
    This might be good if you are willing to do the auraxiums yourself, there is plenty of bought weapons for you
    to use and have fun with so you don't have to rely on grinding for certs to get the weapons.

    There are a few weapons on the BR 53 TR character that are nearly Auraxium.


    * Vehicle Ammo Dispenser
    * Spear Anti-Vehicle Tower
    * Spear Anti-Vehicle Turret
    * Aspis Anti-Aircraft Tower (Default)
    * Blast Wall
    * Infantry Tower
    * Repair Module
    * Skywall Module
    * Structure Shield Module
    * Turret AI Module
    * Sunderer Garage (Default)


    I enjoyed doing multiple things with this account, but sometimes I didn't like to grind hours upon hours to get a certain weapon and
    so this lead me to buying a lot of stuff to have fun with. I wasn't too bothered about directives but instead just getting
    stuck into battle using whatever I felt like at the time. I also liked to build bases which explains why I bought all of the construction items above with DBC because they

    are waaay too expensive in terms of certs and grinding time. SO I just bought them to save me hours upon hours of crap.

    My Planetside 2 fun is coming to an end, I've got things to be doing in real life now and so I wish to pass this account
    down to someone that would enjoy this account as much as I did.

    I think, as an estimate I must have spent around £350 on this account. If you plan on buying this account, it would
    benefit you if you played TR more, as there is so much stuff I have bought for TR.

    I'm going to be listing this account for around £175 (~$230) as I feel this price is fair. I will take offers, but
    I will not accept offers that are too low.

    Please reply or send me a private message with a method on how to contact you, for instance, Skype or Email.

    Thank you.
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    Added a middleman "Buy now" button.
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