Selling MIGRATION QUESTIONS: someone please provide their wisdom here on how migration works. im...

Discussion in 'Build Master MarsVille Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Garbonshio, 5/13/24.

  1. /u/Garbonshio

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    Can anyone shed light on migration and wandering? My CP is 11 mil, im thinking about moving planets. Its the end of S2. Having to give up my title and season rewards to move is something i really do not want to do, so I want a clearer picture on what space wandering could cost me if I choose to do that route.

    I have two people in game telling me different things. I have one person telling me my CP level means id have to buy 5 visas to do space wandering, which would run me about $30 bucks. I would be willing to pay that. Another person is telliing me it will cost $300. I am not willing to pay that.

    I dont have enough information to be able to make an educated decision on this and would love some help.

    # #/Garbonshio
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