The account is about three years old. Rank 861. I play through Steam, but if I want, I can also play through Android. About 2300 hours have been played on this account. The first league is open. Didn't donate to the game. There are 404 cards in total. Of these, 126 are classic, 127 epic, 129 traditional and 22 regular standard cards. Many of them are very well pumped and have enough experience to level up. 10 generals have been unlocked, including Ogre and the best Morgoth. There are 7 pets in the game, including the legendary Glidi, Drogan Barrog. In addition to completed quest competitions, for which there are medals, there are 23 completed events, as a result of which photographs and medals were received. I am a member of one of the best guilds in the game - “Broken Heart”, in which the main bonuses are level 9 out of 10 possible. In fights in my country I am consistently in the top 10. Plus 8.5 thousand emeralds, 1,500,000 gold and 25 thousand elixir. This is my main account, before that there was another one with a limited number of cards, which I successfully distribute on this site. You can look at the attached photos for more information or ask me a question.