Selling my account on the sanctum server, US. I started playing in March of 2021 out of nostalgia. The account has level 80 Gearmaster who is ready for level 100. Gearmaster with cogmaster legacy stoned 80 2h purple+18 stoned, 70 GVG heavy cannon and other yellows on archive. Taro lover preserving full set +15 full stoned. Taro hermit set Level 100 2h purple +10 with all the mats to fully stone and +15 Full strength, vit, int nucs (except purple ones) 1 star all stat throne yellow 2 star all stat mount yellow Control str nuc 2 star Glorious endless blessing title Full phantom backpacks Multiple CBM Maxed masteries Also have a full preserving 70 ds set fortified and assassin with full phantom backpacks. Have more stuff, you can ask me for screenshots. Will also provide 9 more alt accounts from where 6 of them PT and BFR ready. You can literally spam BFR for unlimited gold with these alts. Accepting gift cards only. Selling because of medical reasons, wouldn’t have decided to sell otherwise. I really wanted to keep playing this game again but can’t. Perfect account for new or returnee players. I prefer dm me here for the price or offer. If you prefer to talk in discord please let me know.