TOTAL OPERATORS: 149 TOTAL 6 STAR OPERATORS: 19(35 with potential) ORIGINITE: 50 SKINS: 49 Limited ops: W Event operators: All Recruit operators: Indra & Vulcan All Stages unlocked and farmable (Main stages, Annihilation) The account is binded to a dummy email (which will be provided) Mastery 3: -Silverash S3M3 -Exusiai S3M3 -W S2M3 & S3M3 -Mudrock S2M3 & S3M3 -Saria S1M3 & S3M3 -Eyjafjalla S2M3 & S3M3 -Ifrit S2M3 -Chen S2M3 & S3M3 -Schwarz S3M3 -Hoshiguma S2M3 -Angelina S3M3... Mid-Late F2P Account 19 6*, 50 Ori, 49 Skins - 25$