microsoft dead?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by boAgie, 9/21/17.

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  1. boAgie

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    I do everything with a help of a refunder. I ordered my product and did the method. I didn`t get any answer in 14 days(although they say they answer in 10) and called PayPal. They told me a strange thing : "Microsoft answered but I can`t open the files so I`ll escalate this so they answer again in 1-2 days." If they have answered why the hell is my status still on : reviewing? And how couldn`t she open the file? Still no answer btw. My refunder told me to send back. First - at the beginning he told me its ok to open the product , turn it on and use it. Will they even accept it? After this you have only 14 days to send back, right? I called pp on the 14th day and Im still waiting, so... what to do now? Do I have a chance for a refund? Should I send back? Can I send back? Is MC dead?
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