Selling Message From Moderation Team: Must Include Game Version In Title

Discussion in 'Car Parking Multiplayer 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/PokeGamer025, 9/23/24.

  1. /u/PokeGamer025

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    Hello, this is a message to members of r/carparkingbuysellswap from the moderators. Starting from 24th September, any post that does not mention the game version in the title (CPM 1 / CPM 2) will be removed. Please keep this in mind with future posts. Thank you.

    If you have any questions about this policy, don’t hesitate to ask under this post.

    # #/PokeGamer025
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.