Selling Merger502 LVL 90 VIP3 A lot of time wasted on...

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 10/28/16.

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  1. Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    Merger502 LVL 90 VIP3 A lot of time wasted on this account, that acc survived 2 mergers, but now i do not have time to play well this game, so i want to sell it. I have created new email and connected to it, so i will give this acc with email. Suggestions or if you need more info, email - [email protected]
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    Šûñ Kîñĝ

    Šûñ Kîñĝ
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    I want to buy it
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    Emre Leeuvtje

    Emre Leeuvtje
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    Account selling (merger 41 and 45) vip6, 28 heroes over orange.Both account gradation in 100 arena rank and brawl rank. Main team have 285k power, brawl total power 890k. 3000 diamonds and both in best alliances. 89 lv kingdom and 85+ academy. Price is cheap. If you live in Germany or Turkey, money transfer will be easy, if not, Western union will be usefull. I will send more hero info to who interested in.
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