Selling  MERGE DRAGONS All EVENT Rewards Dragons/Owl Griffins From Star Quests

Discussion in 'Merge Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ada Wong, 3/20/20.

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  1. Ada Wong

    Ada Wong
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    My Location:
    50x 1-3 Eggs Unhatched (Only hatched in batches of 5s) RARE Gem Priced Eggs

    10x Rare Egg Nests From Special weekend Event

    1000x Loot ORBS Containing Level rewards/ 50% contains CHEST and 100% Loot.

    All Dragons to date! Not every evolution since I didn't merge them all tho But I have all eggs and hatches!
    Don't forget The special EVENT items Earned for CAMP
    - can be tapped every so often for Loot as well!

    TOTAL Combined Dragon EGG hatches and Loot Merged brings you Over +1 MILLION Dragon Power! (Can boost the acct first if you rather I merge everything I looted and farmed up to get to over million power > Just Request! No extra charge!)

    IF INTERESTED MSG ME FOR PICTURES/ SCREEN SHOTS! Requests of what you want pictures of so you now its legit.
    Its unlinked You just change fb password to temp password. I Link it . You Change password back since its Facebook. ..Its impossible to steal haha. DOwnload the game and connect to your FB and BOOM! Accounts now YOURS!

    Ive spent $500 over almost 2 years playing events every weekend and getting special dragons. My camp is loot farm since I kept wating for merge 5 events but they haven't been doing MAD loot. ..

    Asking only 95.oo$ Also Comes With 500+ GEMS!

    Events UPloaded to YouTube : Merge Dragons : Event Name: or Month:: @ FightForRyu if you want to check it out in action.
    #1 Ada Wong, 3/20/20
    Last edited: 3/20/20
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