Hi guys i am now officially a gcoin seller. As you may know ijji charges alot of money for premium items. Well now i bring to you gcoin epins for 50% of ijji's price. Prices 100 gcoins : 5$ 200 gcoins: 10$ 300 gcoins: 15$ 400 gcoins: 20$ 500 gcoins: 25$ 1000 gcoins: 45$ Rules 1. I will NOT go first. 2. I will NOT need your user info for ijji. 3. I ONLY accept paypal. ( All transactions must be made as gifts) 4. All my epins are fresh and will 100% work ! 5. Just have fun will ya. Contact info Email: ***************************************************** I added you, im interested. My MSN is *****************************************************. Ty bro, youre the best. Lol.. didn't you know ijji doesn't host gb anymore? anyways. at least you got a customer xp sweetness!