Sold Medium account with +15 New Legends ( 45)

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by verse09, 12/25/21.

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  1. verse09

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    Hi im looking to sell my account, the reason being i want to move to other game.

    Spotlight is new legend available, SCRIME +15 and LINCROSS +10.

    Heres some general spec for the account
    Levia +15
    Lucius +15
    Scrime +15
    Seto +15
    Velfern +15
    Mamonir +14 (IV Comp)
    Refithea +14 (V Comp)
    Celia +11 (I Comp)
    Lincross +10 (I comp)
    Valze +10 (I comp)
    Granhildr +2 (II comp)
    Ledakrad +1 (I comp)

    Gunther, Siegmund and others

    If you're...

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