Wondering if there's any interest in a MWO account. This is a $120 Legendary Founders account. Comes with all 4 of the founders mechs and their c-bill and exp boost for life along with 3 months of premium account status when it launches (which basically just means 3 months of an additional cash bonus and an exp bonus.) Along with $80 of in-game cash to spend (as it's set-up right now you can spend all that you want on stuff and it all gets reset when ever they do a patch and will be reset a final time once it goes live, so kinda fun for now to play around and spend it without worry of actually losing it) Though have to admit I'm selling it because it just didnt hold my interest. Knee-jerked at the founders while they had that available a few months back got over-excited and bought the biggest one but it lost my attention after a couple months =/. The buzz around it seems pretty tight and the gameplay and mech creation is fantastic and very smooth and plays well but it just ended up being a bit too slow and technical for my tastes. $60 OBO.