Selling Mech Warrior online account with $30 pack for Planetside2 immediate access beta key

Discussion in 'Mech Warrior Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    As the title says I have a Mechwarrior beta account, with normal game access on release ofc, with $40 in game currency (A bit more than the title, I had the amount wrong) and a few founder mechs as well. I will trade this account for a functional PS2 beta key. As the account is of some value I expect the beta key first, but will gladly provide screenshots as proof of the account. Once I have the key I will change the forum username and password to what you want, as far as I can tell the login for the game cannot be changed, even so you will have the website details changed so when they add that function you will be the only one who can use it.

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