Sold Maybe wanting to purchase another oac account....

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Greg Kennedy, 10/21/16.

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  1. Greg Kennedy

    Greg Kennedy
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    Maybe wanting to purchase another oac account. This one must be top notch and one I can stick with, I'm over buying a bunch of accounts and having to sell when I find a better one. Must be very well geared with all leg gems and emble gems and extra special items are a plus. Must have an email to go with it. I'm very well known, ign was EbonyLover/Ebz pm me with details. Thanks.
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  2. OP
    Tëchü Oac

    Tëchü Oac
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    T5 just came out and t6 is coming next update bro. Even if you find a current max geared toon in 6 months it will all be worthless again. Even legendarys are starting be meh because t5 epics are just as good if not better stat wise they just dont have a mastery.
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