Sold Maxed main almost 2.5B EXP///17 year vet, 100 accurate recovery info///PVM ready and MORE.

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by daury, 2/28/23.

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  1. daury

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    17 year old vet
    Tested 100% accurate working recovery (Included after purchase)
    7 Months of Members left
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Has all kinds of abilities unlocked Grico, inquenity, etc.
    ALL T99 prayers
    Close to all skilling pets
    Gear ready for PvM
    Most Yak trak cosmetics
    100s of full set cosmetics
    1000s cosmetics
    Retro cosmetics
    Most walk animation overrides including Assassin, Zombie
    4 quests + 1 miniquest for quest cape
    Lots of other unlocks like bladed dive, 1.5m token gold accumulator, modified skilling outfits, factory outfit, elite dung set and more QoL and useful items.
    Clue hunt ready besides for mediums
    Optimal skilling perks for clues

    Has all runecoin additional bank space bought ( 700 bank space)

    Price 850$
    (Optional to buy more gold without the risk of ban)
    This account is for you, if you want a secure veteran account that won't be recovered and has 100% accurate and working recovery info.
    Payment methods: Paypal to bank/Skrill

    Account after confirmed payment + detailed recovery info.

    Discord mad4mu1#1849
    Add on discord, questions only DM/Discord preferably.
    Don't waste my time, i will instantly delete you when i get a whiff of bullshit or scam attempt.

    Reason for selling, bored of main, leveling up new 20 year vet.
    #1 daury, 2/28/23
    Last edited: 3/5/23
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