Selling Maxed Hanger top acct $500 firm

Discussion in 'War Robots Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Atomic Blaster, 7/1/17.

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  1. Atomic Blaster

    Atomic Blaster
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    5 HANGER LVL 30 4452 victories

    3x Lancelot lvl 12
    2x Galahad 1-lvl12 1- lvl11
    3x Griffin 1-lvl11 1-lvl 9 1- lvl 8
    1x Carnage lvl 12
    1x Leo lvl 10
    1x Rhino lvl 10
    1x Natasha lvl 10
    2x Garaeth 1- lvl 11 1-lvl 10
    1x Stalker lvl 10
    1x Rogatka lvl 9
    1x Fuji lvl 9
    1x GI Patton lvl 9

    2xThunder 1- lvl12 1-lvl 11 some misc lvl 5's
    2x Zues lvl 11s
    2x Tridents lvl 9's
    2x trebuchets 1- lvl 10 1- lvl 9
    3x Ancile 2x lvl 12 1x lvl 4
    9 x Tarans 6x lvl 12 1- lvl 7 1-lvl 3 1- lvl1
    6 x Orkans 2x lvl 12 2x lvl 11 2x lvl 5
    3 x mk2 punishes 2x lvl 12 1x lvl 7
    2 x Tulumbas 2x lvl 11
    6x pins 2x lvl 10 2x lvl 6 2- lvl 5
    2x Molots. MK2 2x lvl 7 several mis lvl 1's
    3 x Hydras lvl 9
    3x Punishers MK1. 1- lvl 11 1- lvl 10 1- lvl 7
    10x magnums 4x lvl 12 , 1- 9 , 1-8, 1-7 , 2-5s, 1- lvl 1
    6 x piñata 2x lvl 12 1- lvl 10 3x lvl 5
    7x Aphids 3x lvl 11 1-9 1-8 1- 7. 1-6 , 1-5
    6 x molots mk1 3x lvl 7 3- lvl 1
    5 x Gekkos 2x lvl 11, 1- 9, 1-8, 1-6

    Still playing and building but I have a disability and the new interface on the test server will not work for me so I can I play the game after the upgrade.

    Middleman link for safe verified deal

    Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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