Hunter 390 Titan 390 Warlock 350 (All sub classes maxed) Primarys: Eyasluna,Hawksaw,Blind perdition,Finalas peril,Devil you know, Imago loop,Grasp.etc Secondarys: Party Crasher, LDR, Longbow, 1K, Curtin call, But not forgotten, Saladins vigil Winged word, Her fury.etc Heavy: Ash factory, IF Materia, Quillims.etc Y1 Weapons. Payment VI, KAU8 constellation star, Aegis kell, 55A Allfate, High road soldierr.etc Y1 Secondary: Matador 64, Dry rot 32, Preadyths, Shadow of veils Her courtesy.etc Y1 Heavy: Tomorrows answer, Chain of orbiks fell, sawtooth oscillator, Dream waker.etc