Max level Beggar [Red Phoenix] over 21 different skillsets with over 2D in items

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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    Max Level Beggar 1st internal 36, Self Recollection 20, 2nd internal 36, 3rd internal 16

    21 different skillsets ranging from most of the school's skillsets - Shaolin, Wanderer's Valley, Royal Guard, Beggars, Scholars, Tangmen Mantis Fist (Jinaghu Set) only a few of these skillsets have all of the skills

    700 L currently on the account

    1 month VIP (Expires July 24th)

    Beggar's Sect Elder

    Premium Horse & Outfit

    Master Tailor

    Illustrious Painter

    Illustrious Beggar

    Mining Artisan

    Grandmaster Hunter

    Farming Expert

    Woodcutting Expert

    World Boss Array

    Over 2 D worth of items, & scripts

    to contact me please send me a message at Courtyard1300@yahoo or on skype: HattoriPriest.

    Several types of proof can be given including streaming, screenshots, and video recording indicating that I own this character and am selling it.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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