•Let me clear Bjorn Ironside is not part of Freebies in the VIP Store •So I made a pricelist for Maxing Bjorn •This General is very Tanky and useful for Raiders & Oil Diggers Bjorn Ironside: Level: 1-10 = 1 10 = Manuals Level: 10-20 = 2 20 = Manuals Level: 20-30 = 4 40 = Manuals Level: 30-40 = 7 70 = Manuals Level: 40-50 = 11 110 = Manuals Level: 50-60 = 15 150 = Manuals Level: 60-70 = 20 200 = Manuals Level: 70-80 = 26 260 = Manuals Level: 80-90 = 32 320= Manuals •Maxing General Bjorn Ironside from Level 1 to 80 Price is: 200$ (If you have a higher Level of Bjorn Before we start, we will just deduct the exact amount of manuals. So you will have a huge # from the Price) •Quantity and price of manuals that will be bought from the VIP store: 30x Manuals for 5,000 Crowns (This is the only Price and Quantity I will buy from the VIP store Level 14 and 15) Typical QUESTIONS: •101% Ban Free!!! ✓ •101% Trusted Seller (you can ask players here in PlayerUp for my reputation) ✓ •Seller of Accounts & Crowns Since 2015 ✓ •Available for Both Android & IOS ✓ •Available for Global and Asia Server ✓ Please Like and Join my Facebook. Page: https://www.Facebook..com/groups/crowns4sale4sale/ For more Info's Please add me up with the following app's: •Discord: johnnyjohnnyclassic#3275 •Line: +639451977580 •Viber: +639451977580 •WhatsApp: +639451977580 •or just pm me here in "PlayerUp" •or just leave a comment Payments: •Paypal ✓ •Online Banking ✓ •Money Transfer or Remittance ✓ •Payment 1st before my Service