Selling Mastery rank 14 account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bigmaksym, 2/9/15.

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  1. bigmaksym

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    Master Rank 14

    567 hours played

    All Planet nodes completed

    17 Warframe slots, 25 weapons slots


    -Ash (30, Potato, 4 forma, Arcane Locut Helmet, Immortal skin)

    -Banshee ( 30, Potato)

    - Excalibur (7 forma, 30, Arcane Pendragon Helmet, Immortal skin)

    - Frost prime (unranked)

    - Limbo (4)

    - Loki Prime (30, Arcane Essence Helmet)

    - Mesa (30, Potato, 3 Forma)

    - Mirage (Unranked)

    - Nekros (30, 1 Forma, Mortos Syandana)

    - Nyx (30, potato, 3 Forma, Immortal skin)

    - Nyx Prime (30, potato, 2 Forma, Arcane Vespa Helmet)

    - Rhino Prime (30, potato, 2 Forma, Arcane Vanguard Helmet)

    -Saryn (30, potato, 4 Forma, Arcane Chlora Helmet)

    -Trinity (9)

    - Valkyr (30, potato, 1 Forma)

    -Vauban (30, potato, 1 Forma)

    -Volt (Unranked)

    Primary Weapons:

    -Boltor Prime (30, 5 Forma, potato)

    -Burston Prime (30, 4 Forma, Potato)

    -Dread (30 5 Forma, Potato)

    -Kohm (30, potato, 4 Forma)

    -Penta (30, Potato, 6 Forma)

    -Glaxion (unranked)

    Secondary Weapons:

    -Angstrum (30, Potato)

    -Cestra (unranked)

    -Hikou Prime (30, Potato, 2 Forma)

    -Synoid Gammacor (30, potato, 4 forma)

    -Teslos Akbolto (30, potato 4 Forma)

    -Vaykor Marelok (30, Potato)


    -Bo prime (30 Potato)

    -Dakra prime (30 potato)

    -Dragon Nikanna (30, potato, 2 Forma)

    -Glaive prime (30 potato)

    -Tipedo (30 potato 2 Forma)

    -Mire (unranked)

    -Redeemer (unranked)


    -Carrier (30 potato, Full para skin with attachments)

    -Deathcube (30 Potato)

    -Djinn (30)

    -Helios (30)

    -Shade (30, potato)

    -Wyrm (30)

    -Vex: Orange Lotus Raksa Kubrow (30)

    Companion Weapons:

    -Death Machine Rifle (30, potato)

    -Laser Rifle (30 Potato)

    -Stinger (30)

    -Sweeper (30, Potato)


    -Odonata (30, potato)

    -Itzal (9, Potato)

    -Imperator (30, Potato 1 Forma)

    -Veritux (30, potato)


    -Color Palettes: Classic, Classic Saturated, Eximus, Fire, Grineer, Halloween, infested, Smoke

    -Annimations: Ash noble, Mesa noble, Nekros noble,

    -Sydandana: Hecate, iliac,imperator, pyra, telos, yamoko, yomo,

    -Shoulders and legs: Deadalus, dendra, edo, iliac, prime eos,

    -Chest: deadalus, edo,

    -Companion: Meca head, jet wings, koi tail,

    -Clan and alliance emblem purchased

    Rare mods (not all of them just hard to get ones):

    -High voltage, Fanged Fusillade, piercing caliber, Thermite rounds, Vile acceleration, Anemic agility, bore, hollow point, maim, Tainted clip, auger strike, buzz kill, jagged edge, Primed continuity, Primed Fast hands, primed flow, primed heavy trauma, primed point blank, accelerated blast, blaze, blind rage, breach loader, constitution, crimson dervish, fleeting expertise, magma chamber, narrow minded, overextended, quick thinking, searing steel, sweeping serration, transient fortitude, wildfire, energy siphon, corrosive projection, rejuvenation, steel charge, and many more.


    -Team large energy Restore (272)

    -Team large health Restore (298)

    -team large shield Restore (41)

    -team ammo restore(247)

    Void keys:

    Tower 1: capture (106), defense (8), exterminate (31) , Mobile Defense (47), survival (35)

    Tower 2: capture (19), defense (16), exterminate (3) , Mobile Defense (18), sabotage (2) survival (15)

    Tower 3: capture (4), defense (5), Mobile Defense (1), sabotage (1), survival (1)

    Tower 4: defense (72), exterminate (11), interception (5), Mobile Defense (328), sabotage (1), survival (255)


    -Capture (1), Defense (13), Exterminate (4), Survival (3), Assassinate (11)


    -Skype Bigmaksym

    -Will only accept PayPal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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