Sold Master account, lvl7 epics, multiple expert banners, thousands of special balls

Discussion in 'Golf Clash Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by FormerGCaddict, 8/6/20.

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  1. FormerGCaddict

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    My Location:
    Price $:
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    4745 trophies
    8.7 billion coins
    3518 gems
    57% win(10719 games played)
    x2 expert gold, x1 expert silver, x1 pro gold banners


    Extra Mile 9
    Thor's Hammer 7(1/400)
    Apocalypse 7(99/400)
    Cataclysm 7(77/400)
    Goliath 9
    B52 7(19/400)
    Grizzly 9
    Thorn 9
    Hornet 9
    Falcon 7(41/400)
    End Bringer 7(121/400)
    Rapier 9
    Nirvana 9
    Off Roader 6(162/200)
    Malibu 9
    Spitfire 6(135/200)
    *All common clubs are maxed
    *All rare clubs are maxed

    865 titans
    441 katanas
    211 Berserkers
    605 Kingmakers
    97 centurions
    291 w5ss3p1
    163 w5ss3p0
    428 w5ss2p2
    183 w5ss1p3
    570+ power 4
    123 w4ss3p2
    350+ power 5
    118 w4ss2p3

    Additional Info:

    Years and years worth of daily club card trade-ins available

    Account name change isn't available, contact Playdemic after purchase

    Take over Facebook. associated with this account after purchase
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    musoyama likes this.
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