Bank worth around ~200kk+, the best level to pick, do quests, a really fun class to play with. I just got fed up with my crappy PC lagging, game guard breaking. If you have ANY offer pm me. : email: skype: wiseman338 Screenies: Uploaded with Uploaded with bumpeee! you might need to justify (give details) of the "200kk+" bank, regards. Quote: Originally Posted by bobglee you might need to justify (give details) of the "200kk+" bank, regards. The ammount is bouncing, atm its: osm martialsuit 7m amp 50hp+7 shadowtitanium boots 7m amp+6 shadowtitanium gloves 7m amp+6 osmium martialhelm of db. 30% dmg +6 2x lapis orb 2slot 20%cd +0 (keeping for craft) 30kk cash 200+ fch, fcm, fchh. (its 200+ of all summed) loads of crap worth ~10kk adept set 3x RoL+1 AoP+4 some plates of glory II, III, IV. . . . The whole account for 10Euros. If interested, PM ^^ ................. .