Selling  Reboot  1-24 Hours Maplestory Auto Cubing Macro

Discussion in 'Maplestory Mesos for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by yhs0810, 4/17/23.

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  1. yhs0810

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    My Location:

    as the title. I'm a python coder and selling a Macro

    I made it for GMS for reboot server, But it also works on private server.

    The Macro uses a cube every 1-5~2 seconds

    (depending on options, the longest option(which has a lot of possibilities) uses a cube every 4~5 seconds.)

    Works properly at Legendary items

    I have videos and images. If you want to see let me know.

    Macros cannot be opened on more than one device.

    also, you can try 1-hour trial before paying if you want.

    Works only on Windows.


    Price: $35
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