Selling  Average Major Account, can get up to 6.5k gs. In "quirk" clan. Asking 85 Cad or 66 USD.

Discussion in 'Tanki Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ps4lol, 3/3/22.

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  1. ps4lol

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    Seling my account because I dont play anymore. And Realize that I have the account for no reason.
    My firebird is mk 5-5, Freeze is mk 5-4, Railgun is mk 4-10 but has Electromagnitic "Scout". Ricochet is mk 2-0 but has the Colors White and Purple. Thunder is mk 3-3 but has the Augument "Sledgehammer" rounds. Everything else is Mostly mk 3, 2 and 1.
    Hortnet is mk 4-10 and has the augument "Cold Resistent". Wasp is mk 4-8. Everything else is mostly mk 3,2 and 1.
    Only Have Drone Brutus which is level 20.
    I have the legendary Paint "Galaxian Explosion" and I have 23 other Paints, Mostly Rare paints.
    For "protection" I have two mk 3-0 and the rest are mostly mk 2-0 and mk 1.
    Im asking $85 Cad or 65$ USD. Price is Negotionable if you ask me in my discord. ֆքʟǟֆɦɨʄʏ.#5665 or my email "[email protected]"
    User is ps4lol. is my tanki profile.
    Screenshot 2022-03-03 8.18.36 PM.png Screenshot 2022-03-03 8.18.36 PM.png Screenshot 2022-03-03 8.18.36 PM.png

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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