Sold MAIN ACC (looking for offer)

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Round_Quit2494, 9/4/24.

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  1. /u/Round_Quit2494

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    ACC AGE: 4 years Old. KING LEVEL: 58. GEMS: 435. LVL15: 22. LVL 14; 24. (the lowest is level 10 but most is lvl12-13. 19 lvl 15 without crown towers, 23 lvl 14s witjout crown tower). PATH OF LEGENDS (mostly grand champ - royal champ, I've hit ult champ a while back). TROPHY ROAD: 9K ( Arena 23). QUEENS JOURNEY: 3412 (Goblins 4). EMOTES: 126/302. ROYALE PASSES: 8 diamond RP, 11 Gold RP (before diamond was introduced). EVOS: all except Gob cage, Gob drill, and Gob giant. MAGIC ITEMS: 9/8 potions 1 rare book, 1 epic book, and a magic coin, 1110 CWC, 302 RWC, 61 EWC, 11 LWC (wild card), 4/10 magic keys. GOLD: 128k.

    # #/Round_Quit2494
    # .
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