Sold Main 59 Warrior | 2x 57

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pexl, 10/18/16.

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  1. Pexl

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    Im sad to say but im selling my BDO Account as i dont have the time to play this game anymore.
    The Account has a lot of Stuff on it so im trying to
    only give relevant information here but im happily providing more if needed.
    Just PM me.

    The Account contains:
    59 Warrior
    57 Ranger
    57 Plum
    56 Blader
    and a few more Alts


    Warrior has a TRI Dandelion; DUO Liverto; DUO Axion/Vangertz
    (Gear of others request)

    It currently holds about 100m Silver in Cash
    and about 1.3B Silver in Assets


    Life Skills:

    In a decent state on all matters
    More Details on request
    237 Energy
    203 Contribution
    Up and running Worker Empire with a lot of high grade and leveled Workers



    The Account currently has about 500 Pearls left.
    Value Pack is running for about 2 more months.
    Merv`s Palet is running for about 2 more months.
    4x T4 Pets (3x Dog/1x Falcon), 1xT3 Pet (Penguin)
    Alot of Inventory Slots and Storage Slots
    Can provide Information about Costumes via PM


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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