Sold Magic the Gathering Arena account, 630 rares, 121 mythics, 80k gold, 4330 gems

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JustANeko, 9/26/19.

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  1. JustANeko

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    My Location:
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    630 rares, 121 mythics, 80k gold, 4330 gems. Accout has the majority of the meta cards (except some lands, but there is 15+ wildcards of each rarity to buy them if you need), as well as most of those you will need to create a jank decks of any kind. Level of mastery is currently 95 and there is enough gems to buy mastery pass.
    All cosmetics that could be won from events or bought for gold is present.
    Reason for selling - game became boring for me, i don't like new sets, and don't plan to ever come back to magic.
    I am ready to provide any additional screens or data regarding this account, just say what you want to see. And to prove my credibility i can provide you with my seller's accounts on various sites with positive feedback, my steam developer's account, or any kind of personal information you want to check.
    Price is 50$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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