Selling Mage45 Heredur HIGH PLAYER

Discussion in 'Drakensang Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by unknown99, 12/14/14.

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  1. unknown99

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    Price $:
    500 E
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    Mage lvl 45 server HEREDUR ...
    science lvl 30 max and glory lvl 40 + 1mil glory points

    944-1331 base dmg
    Speed 1.96
    7250 life
    1850 armor
    261% crit dmg
    (with karabosa)
    with wand 60.8% weapon dmg + 13.3speed 5slots :D

    got one STAFF 140% weapon dmg + 69dmg i can make around 1672-1945 base dmg with 2000crit 1.40speed
    (you can farm alone Q3 with no stress)


    -dark armor set full (the one with draken) 5slots
    -karabosa set full lvl 47 5slots
    -Starlight lvl 45 5slots
    -Riddle lvl 45 5slots
    -Roshan set 5slots
    -2 death rings (59dmg + 3.0%more dmg + 8.1crit dmg) + (61dmg + 2.9more dmg + 8.0crit.dmg) both lvl 47 5slots
    -mortis amulet 58dmg lvl 46
    1000gold cape lvl 45
    -globe lvl 45 5slots 1207 value block + 728blocks
    -gorga book lvl 45 5 slots
    -Dragans set
    -sargons armor and shoulders NO HEAD ....
    -event with essences set
    -plus tons off good legendary items


    (10%speed stone) x 6
    (8%speed stone) x 1
    (25 Damage stone) x 4
    (100 hitpoints stone) x 8
    (75 hitpoints stone) x 24
    (80 Resistance stone) x 8
    (100 Resistance stone) x 5
    (45 Armor stone) x 2
    (33 Armor stone) x 2
    (60 Armor stone) x 1

    All invetory unlock + animation and mounts .....

    Igame GOLD 1000k ....
    -Andermant 142k
    -Drakens 9400

    This charater more then 2 years old ....

    price 500Euro - NOT NEGOCIABLE invested way to much

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