Sold Mabinogi - Ruairi Total 4.75K, Great Gear, Great Stats

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Fantasy Life Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/6/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hey guys, I'm getting into the work world now and wont have as much time to spend on Mabinogi, so i was deciding on selling my account. He is a very powerful strong character for his level and has 3 other characters on the same server as well. Also i used this account to play vindictus and maplestory a little, so those would be yours too. I have an image showing everything about my character on deviant art at this link:

    Please leave offers in the comment section at my deviant art post. ALSO if you would like to buy just an item you can do so.

    I dont have much of an auto other than 3x the gold worth in millions. Which is currently marked at 150m being $450, but I'm open to any offer honestly and am not completely looking for money.

    Note, if you want to buy an item that is considered "Special" or "No-Trade" you will have to provide the cost for the trade unlock potion as well as $3x gold worth in million.

    You may also leave other offers and comments in this forum, I'm just on deviant a lot more often and will see it quicker.

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