Sold MAB is recruiting

Discussion in 'Puzzles & Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/OdinVoiceOfAll, 3/13/24.

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  1. /u/OdinVoiceOfAll

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    I'm the Militarist for MAB in state 88 is looking for new and old players to join our alliance. We are a pretty laid back alliance. We try to help each member that joins us grow if they are new or old. We also aim to show a warm and inviting atmosphere. If you follow our state and alliance rules you are welcome to join us. We have an events normally after reset. But real life comes first so sometimes our event schedule is off. We also want all our players to put real life first. We have a discord server also. We also are working on give aways. We started a weekly highlight messages. Either myself or our diplomat will announce those. This is my location if you want talk to me about joining MAB [MAB]N7-Conflagration S:88 X:179 Y:595

    As for growths my moto is no man is an island. In other words if you grow some the alliance grows with you.

    # #/OdinVoiceOfAll
    . .
    #1 /u/OdinVoiceOfAll, 3/13/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/16/24
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