Lykan Server Selling a lot of bp gear.

Discussion in 'FlyFF Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hello everyone.


    Tiger 1/3/5/7/9 awake 15%adoch

    Tiger 1/3/5/7/9 awake 25str 15%attack speed

    Lion 1/3/5/7/9 awake 19sta (2other awakes)

    Fox 1/3/5/7/9 awake 4speed 16int

    Few buff pets 0/9

    Venerable set 6/6

    Rudolph set

    Full champion set+19 (got 2 of them)


    Bp set - Helm 25sta , suit 25sta , glove 300mp 9 %dct , shoes 750mp

    Bp set - Helm 38sta , suit 38sta I can add some mp stuff to it.

    Good vagrant Bp set - total awake 4,5k mp or something

    Bp Rody set - Helm 41dex 20str , suit , 19%adoch 6%crit 450fp , Shoes 25%adoch

    All sets are +10 stated as well.

    Wedge set +8 - 450 helm , 7%dct suit , 24%dct glove , 450 shoes

    Knuckles __________________________________________________ ___

    Ultimate Bloody Knuckle +10 (75str) 8/8 fire a , awake 22str (2other awakes)+16 elem.

    Ultimate Bloody Knuckle +10 (75str) 6/6 fire a , awake 850mp

    Ultimate Bloody Knuckle +10 (75sta) 8/8 land S , awake 22sta

    Ultimate Bloody Knuckle +10 (75str) 7/7 , awake 38str

    Ultimate Bloody Knuckle +9 6/6 water a , awake 650mp.

    Shields___________________________________________ _________

    Shield awake 8speed , 9speed 200fp 8/8 wind S

    Shield awake 41str 8/8 fire a

    Shield awake 10%crit 10/10 electric a

    Shield awake 850mp 7/7 fire a


    Ill add some gear soon

    Leave ur MSN or SKYPE here

    thank you.


    add me its my skype

    or leave your skype here

    I'm interested in your Venerable set 6/6 and your Rudolph set.

    My skype is: weizjeidy

    My MSN is: *****************************************************

    Interested on your rody set,

    skype: gian1123

    Don't have msn =/


    add me at nigthmage24 SKYPE :D

    Add mw2swepro20 . Intressted in buying 2sets and 2shields and 2 knuckles.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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