Selling Lvl17 10 mil lvl 16 7mil and lvl 9 farm $175 -...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hunter Micheal Manlove, 6/18/16.

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  1. Hunter Micheal Manlove

    Hunter Micheal Manlove
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    Lvl17 10 mil lvl 16 7mil and lvl 9 farm $175 - Fort Riley, KS (66442) Selling my lvl 17, lvl16 and lvl 9 bases preferably together. Both 17 and 16 are lvl 47 co lvl 8 VIP prestige and vault lvl 2 unlocked lvl 9 farm is almost completely maxed on econ research and rss buildings lvl. Looking for 170 obo. Selling because I need money for bills put a lot of work into them
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    Jin Kim

    Jin Kim
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    What's state
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    Hunter Micheal Manlove

    Hunter Micheal Manlove
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    Almo 184
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    Hunter Micheal Manlove

    Hunter Micheal Manlove
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    Can post pics of what ever you wanna see right now was in the process of making the 17 a trap base
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