Selling Lvl s4 pen 15k Weapon: Crow td+4 Taser td +5...

Discussion in 'S4 League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dany Zappia, 7/7/15.

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  1. Dany Zappia

    Dany Zappia
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    Lvl s4 pen 15k Weapon: Crow td+4 Taser td +5 Bloody td +3 Assassin crow lucifer gate Viola Katana Smash rifle +10 perma lotus revolver Set M: Blue ocean complete FP Have Sixpack and eleganto tatto boody FP Sixpack meele weapon defence +4 blue ocean shoes moviment speed +3 Set Winter bear FP T-Shirt winter meele weapon defence +4 Set Wester FP Set Underway FP Pants underway td +4 Set Angel Padding FP Angel padding Shoes moviment speed +3 Set Stadium FP Set Shark Slayer FP Set Death impactor FP Set Pirata costume FP Set F: Set Sexy diamond FP Set Military Dominic FP t-shirt jazz up +10 Set Kimono FP Set Sexy summer FP Sell for 50 Euro paypal/postepay Screen or screenshare contact me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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