CLEAN ACCOUNT WITH 1 GAME CENTER ONLY Lvl 918 E 611 +(51) S 475 +(45) A 2710 +(227) D 2114 +(191) H 929 +(129) SNIPER SKILLS HS3 LS3 CS3 AP3 INV3 KS3 SS3 BAR3 RIC3 Vet7 (near 8) 10kcc banked ENFORCER SKILLS (While you sleep) KNOCK1 LS1 BRUS1 TOUGH3 DEFLECT3 JUGG2 FORT1 ADAP1 Account has Strong Sniper LTs 3* Reaper 3* DLord 5* Alpha 7* Pain 3* Raven 5* Boris 5* Cent for health bonus Account is a crit MACHINE. If you put $ into it and roll, it will be VERY TOUGH. Bounces all LSI lvl >lvl 1500 I Would like to discuss a fair offer to give this developed account a good home.
☝have u sold this account yet buddy? If not do u have the line app or a email i can message u on to further discuss my interest