Sold LvL 90 nenMaster. Pm offer

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by A Lotus Korean, 7/29/17.

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  1. A Lotus Korean

    A Lotus Korean
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    LvL 90 NenMaster
    Armor: Full Gracia Set
    Weapon: Knuckle Violence/Mana Reinforcement
    Bracelet: Breathing sound of a New Star
    Necklace: Executioner's Butchery Necklace
    Ring: Sky Guide:Kaaf
    Sub Equipment: Gracia
    Magic Stone: Dethroned King's Tears
    Avatar Set: Advanced Avatar set.
    Avatar Weapon: Apollo's Golden Glove
    Avatar Aura: Blessing of the Goddess
    Storage: Several Epics. ( a bit too much to list every)

    LvL 89 Durandal
    Weapon: Bamboo Lance (only thing noteable)
    Avatar: Advanced Avatar set
    Avatar Weapon: Ares' Golden Spear
    Avatar Aura: Blessing of the Goddess

    LvL 87 OmbiBlade
    LvL 88 Tempest
    LvL 85 Bloodseeker
    LvL 76 Deicide
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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