Selling  iOS  High End Lvl 863 1600+ Days

Discussion in 'KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross] Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pico Cross, 2/14/21.

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  1. Pico Cross

    Pico Cross
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    My Location:
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    Lvl 863

    1600+ Days Played

    65K+ Jewels *more in presents box*

    Top 100 PvP setups

    Top 5 Raid Setup with the following titles

    No.50 Lux 5th * Most recent crown*

    Halloween Cup Reigning Champs, Holiday Cup, New Years Cup, JP Ann. #2, 4th Ann. #2, Ira 2019 Cup Champ, Invi Lights Hero #1, Ava’s 2021 banner *Latest Title and banner*

    23x Crowns

    All Keyblades Lvl 45+ No Grinding Req

    Raid (CounterPoint) +58.9, Sleeping lion +53.9, Darkgnaw +60(maxed)

    Most avatar boards Unlocked~ Cruella De Vil, Vulpus Regalia, YRP(FFX-2), Bianca, KH2 Tifa, Rapunzel, Elsa, Aurora, Cinderella, Belle, Meg, Princess Jasmine, Aqua, Aeriel, Namine and MANY more. *Some male avatars as well mostly a female account*

    Several Meta Tier 10 medals, 99% of all tier 9’s and below. Can clear all content released.

    Several ATK Boost 9,10,11,12,13 and 14 GA skills ready, also equipped with def boost 6,7 and 8

    Tier 10 : *Note all medal are perfectly traited*


    2x- Aqua


    2x- Ventus

    4x- Xion

    1x- TVA (All Upright Medals)

    Most Notable Tier 10~

    2x KH2 Sephiroth (Ea120)

    10x KH3 Illus. Sora (2x ea120)

    5x KH3 illus. Roxas (1x ea120)

    5x Kh3 illus. Kairi (2x ea120)

    2x Kh3 illus. Xion

    3x Kh3 illus. Aqua

    2x Kh3 illus. Riku

    1x Kh3 illus. Axel (2k str)

    2x Axel (Copy Medal w/2k str)

    3x Strelitzia

    And Many more!!!!

    All copy medals are perfectly *traited* with ea120

    100+ Tier 10 Kyro’s for subslots maxed @6.720x Multiplier

    PM Here or More reliable on discord Rinoaχ#0951 send a request I’ll send screenshots of everything you want to know about the account. *Price is firm*
    Payment method- Paypal

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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