Lvl 823 MH Energy 1529 Stamina 1876 Attack 1936 (+615) Def 210 (+321) H 180 Divine Power 980 32 energy potions 116 stamina potions 115 red powders 161 green powders 139 blue powders 43 hero crystals 44 green crystals 67 blue crystals 126 red crystals BSI: 3.76 LSI: 9.62 Main Heroes Sahar (***)55/59 +15.22% crit +2373 Mon attack Dolomor (***)44/48 +15.22% crit +2000 Mon attack Zarevok (*)53/54 +1490 Mon attack All quests completed up to level 1 influence. Level 4 influence all the way up to part of water II