Selling   Lvl 81, +780 Dragons, +2500 Gems, +129M Food, +3.2B Gold, 9 Titans, 5 Vampires, 9 Heroics

Discussion in 'Dragon City Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by buho13, 2/7/23.

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  1. buho13

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    I'm relisting this here because I couldn't edit the previous thread. I'm quitting the game because I don't really play it. If you are interested msg me on Discord adriancat#2340 or Instagram "catlober22". The account is linked to Facebook, it isn't # and you can get into rankings and alliances. Also I censor some things to protect the account.

    Full details:

    - More than 2500 gems
    - More than 129 Million food
    - More than 3.2 Billion gold
    - 10 Islands Unlocked (no premium)
    - All towers (except Phaun tower)
    - More than 780 Dragons, more than 130 legendary (5 vampires, 9 titans, +5 mythical)
    - 9 Heroic Dragons
    - +3200 Wild Orbs
    - +1300 Essences

    - Breeding Sanctuary (Level 3)
    - Ultra Breeding Tree (Level 2, maximum)
    - Breeding Mountain (Level 2, maximum)
    - Hatchery (Level 6, maximum)
    - +149 Habitats, 14 huge farms, 1 Kindergarden, Dragon Roost, Training Center
    - All crystals
    - +2200 ornaments [Storage]

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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