Selling  Android and iOS  High End Lvl 81, Team Power: 5173. 110 x 5 heroes , 107 x 4 heroes, 93x 3 Heroes, 75 Troops , 6x lvl 30

Discussion in 'Empires & Puzzles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dawnie, 7/19/22.

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  1. Dawnie

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    I'm a Level 79, very close to level 80 player. Been playing for 5+ years.

    Here's What I've got: (Screen Shots Below)

    Hero Highlights:

    106 5- Star Heroes (most of those are leveled up to final ascension, including costumes (If you count costumes, It's 119)
    55 x 5-Star Fully Leveled
    42 of those have a fully leveled talent grid
    10 of those are also limit broke & almost all are fully leveled to Lvl 85.

    105 4-Star Heroes
    69 of those are fully leveled (Including Costumes)
    14 have a fully leveled talent grid, 3 additional 4-stars are still in progress on talent grid full leveling
    4 are limit broke

    3 Star:
    91 3-Star Heroes
    66 are Full Leveled
    23 of them have a fully leveled talent grid
    4 more are in progress on talent grid.
    17 are Limit Broke

    (Note, most counts except the 106 count above may include costumes since I dumped it in excel and counted costumes separately. It's not too many though since 5* I had 13 costumes... so 119 "heroes" total, 4 & 3 star would be a similar count)

    Notable Fully Leveled & Limit Broke Heroes with full talent grid activation:
    Mother North, Alberich, Francine, Senan, Elizabeth, Sif, El Naddaha, Lord Loki, Miki, Seshat

    Notable 5* Heroes, Fully leveld with full talent grid activation.
    Jabberwock (& Costume), Poseidon (& Costume), Onyx, Sartana (& Costume), Vivica (& Costume), Lianna (& Costume), Vanda, Bera, Uraeus, Glenda Kageburado, Kingston, Alice, Delilah, Alasie, Queen of Hearts, Alice, Guardian Owl, King Arthur, Natalya, Magni

    Other Notable 5*, Fully Leveled:
    Mother North (I have 2 of her, one is fully leveled, talent grid & limit broke, second is fully leveled), Santa Claus (& Costume) , Krampus (& Costume) , Elizabeth (#2), Garnet, Quintus & costume, Sartana (#3), Hanitra, Yang Mai, Fenrir, Natalya, Grazul x 2, Lady Locke, Morgan Le Fay (x 2 one is fully leveled, working on second one), Ariel, Aegir, Margaret, Ranvir

    Other Notable 5* I'm still leveling:
    Prof. Kindenbrock, Wolfgang, Hannah, Bertila, Russel, Devana (x 2), Elradir, Frosth, Gefjon, Myztero, Reuben, Puss In Boots, Marie-Therese, Thorne (& Costume), Azlar (& Costume), Khagan (& Costume), Richard (& Costume), Vela, Jean Francois, Marjana (& Costume), Grimble, Kunchen, Onatel, Ranvir #2, Joon (& Costume), Hel, Musashi, Athena, Elena, Isarnia, Zocc, Kara (HOTM), Balbar, Iris (HOTM), Klaern (x 2), etc.

    4* Troops: Max Level 30
    Red 30, 30, 19, 14, 7
    Green 30, 30, 20, 15, 11, 10, 1 (1 *New* Ancient Wizard x Lvl 20, 1 x Ninja Troop @ Lvl 1)
    Blue 30, 30, 16, 10, 9, 6 (1 *New* Ancient Wizard x Lvl 9, 1 x Ninja Troop @ Lvl 6)
    Purple 30, 30, 26, 7, 4, 3, 1 (1 Ninja Troop Lvl 1)
    Yellow 30, 30, 18, 14, 7, 1 (1 x Ninja Troop Lvl 7)

    3* Troops: Max Level 20
    Red 16,12, 9, 7, 3
    Green 14, 9, 5, 1, 1
    Blue 16, 15, 4, 1, 1
    Purple 16, 11, 5, 5, 5
    Yellow 16, 12, 8, 1, 1

    2* Troops: Max Level 15
    Red 15, 15, 12, 6,2
    Green 15, 15, 10,3,1
    Blue 15, 15, 9, 2, 1
    Purple 15, 15, 13, 5, 1
    Yellow 15, 15, 14, 5, 3

    Other good stuff:


    4500+ Emblems ready to use
    &15 Reset Emblems

    Notable Map Stuff:
    Alchemy Lab is fully leveled but not all researched, only the ones I used- mostly ascension.
    Hero Academy is also fully leveled but not fully researched. I just used it for troops.
    Hunters Lodge has 6 out of 10 items researched, basically, the best ones materials.
    All other buildings Maxxed

    Account Transfer can occur via either google play acct or Facebook.. So it should work cross platform.

    Screenshot_20220718-232018_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220718-232037_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220718-232054_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001757_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001808_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001819_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001826_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001834_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001841_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001852_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001858_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001906_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001911_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001918_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001924_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-001933_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-022248_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-022256_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-022303_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-022310_Empires.jpg Screenshot_20220719-022448_Empires.jpg
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    A few more points:

    I regularly place in top 1% to 10% of tournaments due to fully leveled troops & competitive. limit broke heroes.

    Personally slayed over 850 Titans, highest titan damage around ~150,000 (although I've not really tried on this.) Highest single hit Mythic Titan Damage is 500,000+.

    This account is strong against titans due to having fully leveled & full talent grid for Vivica Costume (defense down & healing), Miki (attack up), and multiple individual color defense down including Guardian Falcon (Red), Guardian Jackal (yellow), King Arthur (Blue) & Francine (Green). I also have MUTLTIPLE of these heroes for events like Mythic Titans where you only get the 20% bonus for so long... so I have a back up vivica, guardian falcon, guardian jackal, etc.

    I also have a TON of snipers & great heroes for Titan attacks in various colors including:

    Special Talents:
    This is NOT a complete list, just highlights...

    - Ressurrection / Revival: Alberich, Mother North x 2, Gramps x 2, Marie-Therese, Muggy,
    - Fiend Makers: Senan, Elizabeth x 3, Hannah, Vollermork
    - Minion Blockers/Destroyers: Bera x 2, Devana x 2, Grimble, Capt of Diamonds, Kvasir, Uraeus (doesn't block but deals sand damage if enemies have a minion),
    - Minion Makers & Boosters: Frosth, Delilah, Kvasir, Scoratek, All Winter Characters, Puss n Boots, ... almost too many to list...
    - Taunt: Queen of Hearts, Krampus, Kara, Shrubbear, Puss n boots,
    - Boosted Health: Garnet, Prof. Lidenbrock, Wolfgang, Rekhetre, Faiez,
    - Buff Dispellers: Seshat, Iris, Melendor, Domitia, Tyrum x 2 (plus costumes for both),
    - Status Effect Blockers, Stealers or Cleansers: El Naddaha, Bertila, Grazul x 2, Posideon (& Costume), Onyx, Jarif, Franz, Ptolemy, Vanda, Francine (status effect cleanser), Reuben, Rigard,
    - Dodge: Margaret, Hanitra, Arfanias, Aqeela,
    - Counter-Attack: Sif, Azmia, Boril, Obakan, Cyprian (and costume) Elena, Ferant x 2,
    - Mana Reducers / Blockers / Stealers / Slowers: Hel, Fura, Elizabeth x 3, Lianna,
    Natalya, Chao x 2, Li Xiu, Proteus, Onatel, Hansel,
    - Awesome Snipers: Sartana (& costume x 2), Khonshu, Gefjon, Sargasso, Mangi, Musashi, Joon x 2, Fenrir, Thorne, Richard, Kingston x 2, Caedmon, Lianna, Natalya, Lady Locke, Morgan Le Fay, Junaid, Azlar, Khagan,
    - Awesome Special Skill Stealers or Copiers: Lord Loki, Myztero,
    - Mindless Attack: Merlin, Zocc,
    Defense Down & Attack up: Too Many to list

    Family Bonuses:
    I have TONS family bonus heroes including *Newer Families* ... See Below
    (below is not a full list but gives a good idea of the highlights...












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    #2 Dawnie, 7/19/22
    Last edited: 7/19/22
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  3. OP

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    UPDATE: Now at Level 81 which includes Wolfgang, Ariel, Alasie and Senan fully leveled and limit broke. As stated above, I have 75 troops and on the 4 star troops, I have 2 of each color fully leveled up to 30, most of the 3rd troops of each color are above troop level 20. Same goes for 2-star troops. 3-star troops are varied. This gives a BIG advantage in tournaments and raids.

    Lastly, this account will transfer to either Apple or Android. I have access to both types of devices and have set up temporary accounts to transfer. Can also be transferred via a Facebook. account. Transfer is through middleman so it's guaranteed. I'll also be available to help if there are questions.
    #3 Dawnie, 9/8/22
    Last edited: 10/23/22
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