Sold Lvl 80 MLB A2 2P, many 4 stars characters and weapons

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by numy4440, 10/6/21.

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  1. numy4440

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Account level 80
    _ MLB A2, 2P, Celebratory Girl Fio
    _ Lvl 80 9S
    _ Lvl 75 2B, Mechanical Assassin Akeha, Simulacrum Girl Fio, Abstract Captive F66x
    _ Lvl 70 Abstract Soldier Lars, Abstract Gunman Dimos
    Weapons: 6 MLB weapons, including A2 and 2P weapons along with various others.
    46k crystals, lots of materials
    Account is bind to dummy email and square enix account, will give both.
    Let me know if there's any questions, looking for offers on account right now...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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