Selling  Level 80+  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Lvl 80,32 gold hero , army + navy Grand Marshal + Transfer Application: server 6xx)

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by darius1, 7/26/21.

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  1. darius1

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    Hello everyone

    - Lvl 80
    - Grand marshal
    - 32 gold hero , 2 hero 5 star
    - 5 hero 4 star most if them need little more to be 5 star hero
    - 50 gold shreds

    Most off the purple hero are 5 STAR+ perked

    - valhalla opened arm Y-1+ navy F-4x
    -gems 45884 ++
    -gold 8.38 K box
    -farm 200 M
    -oil 200 M
    - odium 186k +
    -VIT 76 bottles +
    -transfer application available ( 6 )

    -Component- most of it level 9 and
    near from level 10

    The other things have a look on the photos - its alot of things i didn't mention it

    ℹ️ for any further information contact me on discord - ᴅᴀᴙᵼὗṣ#6913

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