Sold Lvl 80 3 Hero Navy Main March size 145

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spyders123, 11/24/21.

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  1. Spyders123

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    Trying to sell account, been busy with life and having other responsibilities, transfer tickets out is 22, I have 8, but currently residing in a super server with plenty of lvl 80s and chill community, currently have 2 war freak frames, but all have the heros beside Silence and Bell, and all are atleast 2 star, I have aka, Bassel and Nimitz at 5 star with 914 and bailos at 3 star also have Amelia at 5 and some of the army heros at 5, comps I have 2 lvl 10 RoFs and 2 9, along with 7 different base skins, about done with navy extra skill, suppression’s are atleast 60 on all, if you need any other info please contact
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