Selling LvL 77 Account Server 71

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HalfGodBro, 12/1/16.

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  1. HalfGodBro

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Battle Armor Level 23/Rank 3
    Magatamas 4-5+
    Between 25k and 26k power depending on your lineups

    4 Months left of Jonin Medal
    1900 Coupons + 1 Month of Montly Coupons

    This account has 60+ Ninjas which includes

    Rare Ninjas
    Iruka 3*
    Sakura Sailor 3*
    Lee Eight Inner Gates 3*
    Jigokudo *3
    Naruto Nine Tails Chakra *2
    Chikushodo *4
    Shurado *3
    Orochimaru Konoha's Traitor *3
    Sasori 3*
    Tenten GNW 3*

    Popular Ninjas
    Kakuzu *3
    Tobi *4
    Kisame *3
    Hidan *3
    Deidara *4
    Itachi *3
    Hinata 5*
    Suigetsu 5*
    Kabuto 5*
    Kimmimaro 5*

    I also have not missed any of the ninjas from the login event.

    This account also has 2 rare summons


    If you're interested in the account PM an offer or question.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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