Selling Lvl 71 account alot of diamonds and stuff!

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi, scammers dispatch pls.

    Im a serious gamer and I hope this account lands in good hands.

    I have played alot Dragon's Prophet but got no time for it now. Im lvl 71 almost 72 , a guardian with full Dunar Temple Gear.

    I got 18357 Diamonds on the account and 3,1m gold. I also got random alts on the account with alot of misc from marketplace.

    I also have 70 armorsmith and 60+ carpenter , cooking.

    Got alot of mats for everything.

    Got a Mansion on the secret apartment place, paid for like 157+ days.

    All dragons I used are maxlevel with gear and healing/combat skills. Got like 6-7 ancients if you like that aswell.

    Well overall I got alot of things on it, more than you need to feel satisfied.

    Account on Kleios server, Guardian .

    Also got full skin to it, the light one.




    I'm interested.. Get me on Skype : SystemAnonymous or Email me : [email protected] /* */

    Give me a price and we can start talking xD

    Bump add me on skype. Jocke.gustafson

    have you sold this account yet?
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