Sold Lvl 70 Launch Account; ~1.9mil CP; 246k defenders; Hoarding materials (13k+ cores,17m gold, etc)

Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Play2wIn, 2/25/19.

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  1. Play2wIn

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    Launch Day account that has been played every single day since launch; extremely high-powered roster, good arena placement. I have been hoarding materials for the next owner. With ~11k power cores, 13m+ gold, 475+ ABC, 5k+ purple ability mats, 1.3k+ orange ability mats, 37+ premium orbs, 135k+ blitz credits, 30k+ arena credits, etc. This account is ready for someone to take it over and customize it how you want it! The CP could easily be much higher by spending these resources.

    Will continue to play the account 100% until sold. Discord: GeekStache#5546

    Account highlights include:
    • Defenders Team: 243k Punfenders; all at 7 Stars; (three have 4 red stars). (MM also has 4 red stars if you choose to use her instead)
    • Nick Fury Ready: Kree are all powered up and ready to unlock Nick Fury. He should be returning very soon! Nick Fury has 4 red stars!
    • Hydra Ready: All Hydra characters are 5*+
    • AIM Ready: (nearly). 4 AIM minions are 5*+, SS is 5*, last minion is close to 5*, I'm currently farming this.
    • Stars: 22 Characters at 7 Stars. Plus more who have the shards but I haven't spent the money to do so. That's for you to do with the hoarded gold!
    • Ability Materials: Account has over 5,000 T3 Ability Materials (Purple), and 1300+ T4 Ability Materials. T4 Ability Materials have been used to max-upgrade the following skills:
      • Have used several t4 upgrades so far on the defenders team and vision.
    • Raids: Easily one-shots every single node in Ultimus Raid VI.
    • Events
      • Account has a team of 7* mercenaries for the Payday event (2.4m gold per event)
      • Account has a team of 6* hand for the catalyst event
    • Stark Tech: Skill, Mystic, Tech, and Bio are maxed.
    • Arena: Will introduce you to the Arena Shard collusion Discord Server, to make sure you can coordinate to the top.
    • Dark Dimension: account has finished dark dimension two times to receive all the possible rewards. Hoarding many of those resources as well.
    • Hoarded Resources (repeating the list here)
      • account has 10.9k power cores currently. Well over $100 value
      • 13million+ gold
      • 475+ ABC for improving the gear tier of characters you care about
      • 5k+ purple ability mats, 1.3k+ orange ability mats
      • 135k+ blitz credits. Almost 2000 character shards, and 1.5m+ gold from the blitz orb worth.
      • 30k+ arena credits
      • 37+ premium orbs
      • 60+ basic orbs
    I'm happy to answer any and all questions about the account, provide screenshots, etc., just contact me on Discord: GeekStache#5546. Also happy to provide coaching/guidance on what to focus on in the roster, how to play teams, anything you need to get up-to-speed.

    I've invested a fair amount of money and countless hours into this game to be a top player. I'd love to see the account live on with somebody. The account is now linked to a neutral facebook. account, and the credentials will be handed over as part of the sale.
    #1 Play2wIn, 2/25/19
    Last edited: 2/25/19
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  2. KriegCL

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    Hello there,I'm interested in your stock :D

    More details we can talk on Skype/discord.
    [email protected]

    AOA WTB#9618

    Easier and faster i think XD
    will reply you asap
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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