Selling a high level account for Looney Tunes: World of Mayhem.Account is level 69 with over 3.8M CP, all toons are unlocked, most used Legendaries are at 7.7* or will hit 7.7* with next PTL (feeder toons are levelled up). Strong focus on Space and Forest regions, with Avalooney, City and Tasmania in close pursuit. Many toons are at Tune-Up Level 45. Most Spotlight Teams are ready for immediate use: Villains Scoundrels Heroes Imperials Monster Tweety/Fiends Divine Dodge Masterminds House Party Pirate/Outlaw Athletes Many Core Boosts and Special Core Boosts, see details. Good supply of Gold, TuneUp materials and Golden Tickets so you can focus on further levelling up specific region depending on your personal preference. Many collectible titles, even rare ones - game was played almost since launch. Game is currently registered to Apple Game Center so transfer possible only to Android account.