Chanter, who is at the moment 1* has got the vision support stigma and a permanent snowboard, hyperion wings, kunax necklace rank 1 belt and 2 rings. -HP set 18,207 hp no food or candy(it's a mix between rune tribe, hyperion and kahrun gloves for casting speed) grendal shield and rune tribe mace/hyperion mace -3,865 block with block mantra and 3.765 without (Strife set +0/+1 and a katalamize mace for 6 slot) -PVP: 2.387 mr with shield and mace and with staff 823 attack 2.810 accuracy and 871 crit (full rank 1, Hauberk is +11 pants and boots +10 and shoulders and handguards +4 also the sockets are a mix of crit strike and magic resist yellow stones, also katalamize mace and rank 1 shield socketed with mr) Cleric, not ranked has the TF mount, a permanent cloud mount and a kahrun pagati mount. -Magic boost set: 2.9k mbost and 1.7k macc without sacrificial and any other buffs (cloth rune tribe +2, +5 staff) -HP set kahrun 15.771 hp no buffs (missing 2 kahrun earrings and a necklace) -PVP gear rank 1 strife acces 2.426 mr with sunayaka hairpin strife shield (+1gloves and hauberk +0 pants +4 boots and +3 shoulders) no block set Bard also not ranked has got 2 vasharti weapons best stats(one which cannot be combined with anymore) and a fire dragon instrument unskinned -PvE: full grendal socketed mboost +28 and mboost i get 3.187 mboost and 1.826 macc with no skill or food -PvP: 3.351 mboost and 1.844 macc unbuffed (rank 1 tunic and boots +10 shoulders +6 and only pants +3 strife) Veteran level 50/70, +5 feather good proc used for all of them, also a 61 sorcerer and assasin, a 60 gunner and a 53 gladiator. (and a 65 elyos templar) For more information, pm me.